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  • B2B Revenue Growth & Identifying Hidden SQLs

B2B Revenue Growth & Identifying Hidden SQLs

• What B2B software leaders do differently in their marketing? • Improving B2B start-up valuation • Why hiring a fractional CMO? • User intent & SQLs • Anatomy of Linkedin posts • ABM campaigns & digital assets

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Next week:

I’m writing about when, in your funnel, digital assets such as Case Studies, Whitepapers, and Buyer’s Guides should be used for impact.

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This week:

I wrote about how EdTechs can conquer the hearts and minds of the buying committee using an ABM retargeting approach.


Three thought-provoking articles to help you justify and implement your plans

A recent study found from 579 early-stage start-ups that applying a systematic approach to marketing improved the valuation of the B2B cohort.

A Bain & Company recent survey of 1100 sales and marketing executives found that revenue growth leaders 1) measure their marketing more; 2) experiment more; and 3) have more in-house skills and technology.

Why companies have been hiring fractional CMOs?

More companies, including startups and established brands, are opting for fractional CMOs due to the volatile CMO market, fast company growth, the inexistence of a marketing team, and the benefits that doing so offers:

Immediate Access to Experience: Companies can tap into the expertise of seasoned marketing professionals without the delay of a lengthy hiring process.

Flexibility and Cost Savings: Fractional CMOs provide flexibility in engagement duration and costs, allowing companies to scale marketing efforts according to their needs and budget.

Strategic Guidance: Fractional CMOs bring strategic insights and industry best practices, guiding companies through complex marketing challenges and transformations.

Execution Focus: Unlike traditional consulting, fractional CMOs are action-oriented, driving the implementation of marketing plans and ensuring tangible outcomes.


Three hands-on articles to immediately improve your marketing

You’ll need a funnel content strategy (pages, blogs, and digital assets) to create intent data to, then, use marketing automation to score leads and visitors.

The anatomy of a Linkedin post: formats and content

Just last week, I had over 2000 organic post impressions. Not much, but I didn’t have to pay for them. Plan ahead with hooks, lead-ins, and problem/solution content to provide value.

Here’s a nice structured list matching the buyer’s journey stage, objectives, tactics, and content. My take: always start with the journey’s end: decision, then, consideration, then awareness.


  • a leader for your marketing team?

  • a hand to help you form a marketing team?

  • or someone to create and execute your marketing strategy?